Distributed Energy Companys RUN! Don't walk from these clowns

Electronics and household app.

Run! Don't walk from these clowns... By far one of the worst internet companies I've ever done business with. No customer service. No human being to talk to, no answering email. Or phone messages.

I'm just lucky paypal got me money back ($2000). Do what i should have done and do an internet complaint check on this company.

Then go buy your generator somewhere else. I mean anywhere else. You've been warned!!

Company: OnsitePowerGenerators.com
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Williamsburg
Address: 101 Rileys Place
Phone: 8664206290
Site: onsitepowergenerators.com
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Distributed Energy Company, Inc
Onsitepowergenerators.com No response after over 2 months

Distributed Energy - onsitepowergenerators.com
Consumer Report

Distributed Energy Company
OnsitePowerGenerators Holding our money with no delivery in sight Internet

Distributed Energy Co
Onsitepowergenerators.com Failure to provide service and false advertising

Distrubted energy, williams burg va
It tis a ripoff (inmy opinoin yes

Distributedenergy Total lack of customer service

Onsite Power Generators / Distributed Energy
Consumer Report


Worst Internet EVER