KJB Security Products
Deceptive Sales Technique used to sell Products KJB RECOVER IT ALL IN 1 PHONE RECOVERY MONITORING

Electronics and household app.

Dear Readers,

I wish to bring to your attention my findings regarding a product produced by KJB Security Products and sold via there various spy shop resellers throughout America.

I purchased the RECOVER IT ALL IN ONE PC Monitoring solution not because I needed it but because I was sceptical about its functionality and suspected this US based company were using a highly deceptive sales technique in order to accrue sales for an item which frankly is simply an SD card deleted data reader and not a universal smartphone data recovery tool as it claims to be.

See the video on this product to see just how much effort they are going to in order to deceive people, I mean if you want to purchase something like this then you must have a real need for it and I guess you may be desperate for answers, what kind of company with any integrity whatsoever would take advantage of people in such a position: KJB Security that's who.

Company: KJB Security Products
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: 841 Fesslers Parkway, Suite B
Phone: 6156201370
Site: kjbsecurity.com
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