Sprint PCS
Improper billing, was lied to, signed into an illegal contract!

Electronics and household app.

Well, here it is, another Rip off victim of Sprint PCS.in Oct '03, I was told that the reason I was losing calls with SPrint was because my phone was an older model, and if I purchased a new one, I would get better service. At that time, I was also told that there was a "new" plan out..."2000 mins anytime, and free nights and weekends, starting at 7pm, with my one year agreement."

When my bill came, I had gone over the minutes by about 500 mins. And had an outrageous bill, on further inspection, I realized that I did not have "free nights at 7" actually, I had nights starting at 9pm. After being re-routed through a million "virtual customer service" prompts, I was unsuccessful in getting my problem solved.

Three months into trying to get my plan fixed, and spending over $750 per month, trying to keep my phone from being turned off and my credit ruined, I finally got in touch with someone from Sprint, who agreed to look over my bills and retro-bate the calls that I had made between 7-9, and make up the difference in price. Later, I also found out that my "one year agreeement" was a TWO YEAR agreement, and no one had told me that!

To get to the bottom of it, in the end, I have paid over $2000 in charges made to me by Sprint for Billing that was done incorrectly. They never changed my plan to reflect the correct plan. Additionally, when I contacted their "Executive Constomer Complaints Department" I was spoken to like a child, told to "just pay my bills on time" and told that I would not be credited back for the illegal charges.

I have filed a complaint with the BBB and also with my county's Consumer Affairs Department. I tried to resolve the issue on my own, but Sprint continuously told me that "someone would call me back, " and no one ever did. On top of it all, to add insult to injury, they mysteriously have "NO NOTES" indicating that I have called them disputing this bill since DECEMBER! However, I have friends and family that have been with me when I was talking to Sprint, and I had 2 friends with me when I went in to purchase the original contract.

It was not until Feb that they even changed it to reflec that I have a 7pm start time for my free nights.
I am LIVID. I would like some help from someone on how to resolve this matter.

It annoys me to no end that I will have to hire an attorney at this point.

By the way, anyone who wants to dispute me, I have a ZERO balance with SPrint right now. I pay my bills on time, I have excellent credit. I just don't like being LIED to and treated like CRAP!

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Rockville
Phone: 3019842000
Site: www.sprint.com
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