This overseas electronics company scammed out of a $ 1,000... Now they want more. Nanyang Henan

Electronics and household app.

I received an e-mail from a friend around April 3rd of this year (I later found out it was a forged e-mail not from friend at all) that was wrote in the same manner of speaking as her recommending me to this website that sells electronics goods at cheap prices. Thinking my friend was recommending me to a good website I went to it.

The website is called iph5.com, apparently based in China (it was in English, with a few Chinese symbols on the page). It looked very sophisticated, with a few typos in the writing (Chinese English) and had a bunch of different types of electronics goods. I'm in the market for cameras, so I saw a couple that I liked and proceeded to checkout - but there was no option to pay by card. There was only the option to go through western union or do a wire transfer through a bank.

I should have seen the red flags but did not - I was only seeing those cameras i wanted so bad at cheap prices. The next day I went to my local bank and did the wire transfer and e-mailed them my receipt like they asked. Another thing was that the customer service live chat they had looked very professional so that was what convinced me to go ahead after they gave me the instructions and sent me an e-mail with them in seconds - a VERY sophisticated scam website indeed.

A week later they informed they shipped me my goods, but that they were seized at customs and would have to pay the tarrif fee to release them. It was a little before this that my suspicions began to arise.

After contacting UPS, and doing other detective work, they told me that it was unusual that customs would seize any products and ask to pay them directly instead of the UPS delivery service.

I then contacted my local police station fraud department and the detective told me that not much could be done of getting my money back because the FBI doesn't really investigate for scams under $250,000, bu that I should file a report on here (because I don't want this happening to anyone else, by the way) and try to contact Hotmail's support team to get the e-mail sender's ip address so the detective can start off by seeing if it came from within the U.S.

This is the lead I am currently following and as soon as I hear back from the support team, I'm going to get back with the detective. Meanwhile, I have accepted the depressing truth of losing a large amount of money.

Please advise - DO NOT BUY OR EVEN GO TO THIS WEBSITE - iph5.com. I'm going to do everything I can with the resources I have to try shut this website down.

Company: Iph5.com
Country: USA
Site: iph5.com
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