Just shops limited
Justcamera.net all a fraud, once they have your money they won't respond to any e-mail or call

Electronics and household app.

Ordered a camera and lense, but nothing arrived

Tried to contact them after they got my money - no response

They however updated the status of the order in my account - that's why I discovered very late what was going on

Company: Just shops limited
Country: USA
Address: 19 Mandela Street, London, NW1 0DU
Phone: 02081331537
Site: justcamerashop.net
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Closeout Digital
Consumer Report

AAA Camera

Chrysler / Dodge Dealers
Don't trust the dealer!

Starlight Cameras
Ripoff Ordered the same camera twice got nothing

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Stole money from credit card account

Ask Net Shops
Billed my credit card for something I never ordered

Three C Body Shops Inc
Retaliate against employees who refuse to participate in insurance fraud!

Justcamera They sell cameras, lenses, at a very good price in a beautifuul website, but all desappear afteer yuo pay

Consumer Report