Digital Professional Audio - Stereo - speaker
Digital Professional Audio ripoff! Bought cheap speakers out of the back of a vehicle

Electronics and household app.

OK OK I feel dumb. I was working for a company in Redmond and one day on lunch a van pulls up next to me and asks if I am into theater. Of course I am so I took a look at there stuff and got the old we picked up extra and just wanna sell theem for some cash. Having been given too much by distributers myself I fell for it quickly (oh yea I was 17 too) and talked them out of $600 for the pair to $200. I can't really complain about the sound quality tho. My friends are all into making digital music and comparing them to yamaha studio's and the like they are definatly OK.

I am unsure of how to feel about this little 'scam' I mean I should of seen it comming but heck they are cheap and they work. Oh I got the SL-T 2.8's they are supposed to have crossovers in them, I will pull 'em apart tonight and see for myself. So what is the lesson? BE CAREFUL BY SH*T OUT OF THE BACK OF A VEHICLE. And don't pay much for "DPA Audio Gear".

Bothell, Washington

Company: Digital Professional Audio - Stereo - speaker
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Redmond
Address: Safeway Parking Lot
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