Verizon Cell Phones
Opened an acccount without my authority using only social security numbe

Electronics and household app.

Verizon is charging me for an account I did not open, approximately $200 monthly. I think they let someone use my social security number. The first knowledge I had of the situation was when they wrote me thanking me for the order. I wrote letters denying the account which I believe was according to federal law. They claim that a cell phone was delivered to my home which I did not sign for or receive. I requested a copy of a contract that I may have signed. When they refused that, I demanded a copy of the signature of the person who sign for the package plus the name of the carrier and the name of the driver. They refused to send that. To me, the burden of proof belongs to them, but it appears that they will not take responsibility for their own mistake (not requiring any identification other than possibly a social security number which anyone can obtain.)

They will not listen to reason. I was (and still am) willing to work with them to find the person (s) resonsible toward getting the account paid, but they claim it is my account and want the money now. There are four persons it could be. Two are just out of prison and one of them has been sentenced to 15 more years for theft.

I am 69 years old, have a pre-paid Boost phone and the same phone number for over five years. I did not need their product and would not have contracted with them because I do not want any contracts. I feel that this may be an attack on elderly people. I am on a fixed income and $200 extra a month will ruin me financially. I already skip purchasing medication sometime to pay my bills.

Company: Verizon Cell Phones
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Alpharetta
Address: One Verizon Place
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