Garry Vacuum

Electronics and household app.

Our machine smashed about the 2nd use. After I expected to get a alternative they stated I'd to pay for $50s&h & deliver the broken vacuum. Back @my price! The outsoursed costomer support representative. Don't have any ahtority to solve the issues & WOn't allow you to keep in touch with the supervisor or some who's athorised to resolve the issue! They WOn't hand out the house office #, they lay & state they're on-site in Cal. There's no record for Garry Machine in Cal. The merchandise hurts & after researchin online & finding numerous related grievances. I called back & requested to get a complete refund. They declined! I don't trust the corporation or their item! I believe it's a FRAUD! Don't buy from their website! & should you or anybody you realize includes a related criticism... Please enroll your complaint towards the BBB of Southlnad (Colton, California.) The BBB # is 1-909-825-6246 of locate them online & enroll your criticism before other people gets scammed!

Company: Garry Vacuum
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rancho Cucamonga
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Garry Vacuum LLC
Garry Vacuum LLC Treats Customers like Dirt!

Garry Vacuum

Garry Vacuum cleaners
Horrible rip off

Garry Vacuum

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Garry Vacuum cleaner
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