Yoshi Blade Official Site
Charged me double for 2 peelers 2 knives and 2 times for shipping

Electronics and household app.

The present for that Yoshi blade and peeler stated purchase 1 and obtain one-free. This isn't accurate. Once you provide them with all of the info and creditcardnumber you're never ready to examine your purchase. After striking the purchase option you observe that you had been billed for just two Yoshi blades, 2 peelers and twice for that delivery. What exactly you believed would be 19.99 plus twice the shipping you had been billed for just two blades 2 peelers and twice the delivery. It was an entire rip-off. I don't understand how long I'll be about the telephone looking to get this fixed. I did so contact my charge card comapny and stated to not except the cost because it was misrepresented. This can be a fraud. Don't purchase the product. It's a disadvantage fraud.

Company: Yoshi Blade Official Site
Country: USA
State: New York
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Yoshi Blade

Misleading advertising

Yoshi Blade
Consumer Report


Horrible service

Yoshi Blade Knife
Knife Breaking & Chipping

Yoshi Blade
Consumer Report

Yoshi Blade Knife
Broke Blade Chipped in Middle

Titan Peeler
TV Products - As Seen On TV I was extremely careful and still got ripped off by TITAN PEELER - DON'T DO IT!

Creditreport.com sold credit card information to other companies for fraudalaint charges