Dogg Digital
I got ripped off to. Dirty SOB's slime-ball Dearborn michigan

Electronics and household app.

I was coming home from work driving down Van Dyke just passed 23 mile road. I was stopped at a light and this guy in a gold Ford Windstar Van rolled down his window and asked me if I wanted some speakers. I said no and he said how about for free. And I said hey why not?

When we got out he asked me if i was arabic and I said no, then he proceeded to tell me the same old story, he said he lived in dearborn and that was probobly a lie.

After he said real cheap I said no thanks but he insisted, he asked me how much I wanted to give him I said 50$ and he proceeded to show me a catalog and the box. I said all I had was 140$ in the bank and he didnt believe me so we went to the bank and I went to the ATM and got him 120$ and he proceeded to ask me if I had anthing else I could give him so he said how about my brand new roller blades, I said ok and now I feel like the biggest idiot ever.

I am a very trustworthy person and now I feel betrayed, I am going to look for this guy and if I find him I am goin to put him in a hurt locker.

clinton twp, Michigan

Company: Dogg Digital
Country: USA
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