EBattery, Inc - Batteryrefill.com
Do not use this company. It is a scam!

Electronics and household app.

I paid this company $99.00 in August 12 to get the battery for my laptop refilled (Replace the batteries)
It took them 3 months to return to me the unrepaired battery and have ignored my countless e-mails and telephone calls with regards to my $99.00 refund.
The few times I had been able to get a hold of some one, they tell me that the check is in the mail or that they will mail it soon. It has been 8 months since I placed the order which they did not fullfil nor have they send me my money back.
I am in Iraq right now, and I think that I have spent over $20.00 just on phone calls trying to get me money back with no avail.

Company: EBattery, Inc - Batteryrefill.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ontario
Address: 739 East Cedar St
Phone: 9099473686
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Ebattery, Inc AKA Batteryrefill.com / Batteryrebuild.com
Ebattery, Inc Batteryrefill.com / Batteryrebuild.com Don't refill your batteries at Batteryrefill.com or Batteryrebuild.com

Batteryrefill.com, Ebattery
Ebattery, Batteryrefill.com batteryrefill.com, Ebattery laptop battery refill

Laptop battery ripoff SCAM

Did not return my battery Ontirio

EBattery, Batteryrefill
EBattery, Batteryrefill, Received prompt payment and product from me with no returns for eithe

And BatteryRefill.com They kept my battery!

Ebattery Refilled Battery Fraud - Charged $80 and my old battery and sent me nothing! Ontario

Took my money and never shipped product

Ebattery Batteryrefill.com
Ebattery, Batteryrefill.com, Never received the product and are impossible to reach by phone or email

They Get the Batteries, They Get the Cash, YOU GET NOTHING