Shipped order to wrong address and refused to correct. My existing service ruined

Electronics and household app.

I signed up for extending my service contract with ATT through Firefly. Firefly made an error in my address and refused to correct it! They insisted the phones would be returned, then they would ship to the correct address.
Essentially they made me responsible for their error and refused to update the shipping address with FedEx. I called Fedex and they refutted what Wirefly was saying.
So I found this company to be real bull headed, refusing to provide any customer service and real idiots. The phones were delivered by FedEx to the wrong address, where they were promply stolen and put in service. Then ATT cut off my existing service. Dealing with ATT is just as bad also, they have a partnership with this company evidently. Even though I called ATT to warn them about this train wreck, they still disconnected my old cell phones. ATT refused to connect my old phones to service. Had to report the new phones stolen in order to get ATT to shut off the service to the thiefs. Now ATT is saying I will need to go to one of their outlets and update my account and pay a ton of $ for what!!!
I am ready to go back to land lines and will never do business with the fools and crooks at WireFly.in case you have not figured it out, this comany is really operating out of red China.

houston, Texas

Company: WireFly
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
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Awful company

Awful service

Ripoff, lied to me on numerous accounts about time, payement, and delivery, claimed they never got my money but the day i placed the order they did indeed take the money from my account!

INPHONIC SCAM, Never received phones, no customer service online EXISTS! WIREFLY.com Internet

False advertising., bait and switch

Inphonic Wirefly will not honor return of phone


Never get my $15 back!

Rip off on family plan and phones

Activation Fee Promise