Best Discount Camera
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business givng a bad name to internet commerce!

Electronics and household app.

This company accepted my order on Nov 4th for three items. Only two were shipped. I've written to them many times for order status and they have not given me a satisfactory expanation. Replies have come from and lately from My VISA statement reflects a telephone number of the vendor as 111-111-111NY, which is totally spurious. It is obvious to me that they now have no intention of filling my order and prefer to keep their ill-gotten and deviously acquired gain. Companies such as these give a bad name to Internet commerce and should never be used to purchase anything. JamesKuwait City
KuwaitJamesKuwait City

Company: Best Discount Camera
Country: USA
Phone: 1111111111
  <     >  

Bizsupport@ 4e-commerce.Biz ripoff, sham, internet

Barnabeez Cameras and Electronics
Ripoff false advertised rude diseptive dishonest

Express Camera
Do not purchase from express camera!

Starlight Cameras
Ripoff Ordered the same camera twice got nothing

Tng Direct Source
Aka TNG Direct TNG Direct is accepting internet orders with no intention of filling them
Fraudulent upselling false advertising rude internet scam

Usa photo nation
Usaphotonation ripoff, false advertising, try to sell extras that should be included with the camera Nationwide

Com Called on placed order and tried to sell different product. When I refused they said my order was out of stock Intenet internet

Barnabeez, Best Discount Camera, Discovery Camera
Dishonest ripoff misrepresented consumer rip-off fraud

Best choice digital
Bestchoicedigital Digital Camera and Video Scam RIPOFF