Net 10 / Tracfone / Topp Telecom
Refuses to issue refund after receiving 3 defective phones

Electronics and household app.

I want in on a class action lawsuit.

My brother is on his third defective tracfone. He's ill, trying to find medical treatment, employment and educational opportunities. He had scheduled medical appointments and appointments regarding his schooling and receiving state benefits when his tracfone (2nd one) quit working properly. He called them and requested ANOTHER replacement. They sent it and this time they sent him a bad sim card.

Meantime, he has not received his test results, has missed out on getting into school and is unable to receive state benefits because he could not receive calls. After countless hours on the phone with people that do not speak proper english and cannot comprehend english either, we have given up and filed a complaint with the FCC and the Arizona Attorney General's office.

At one point on the phone with them, the non-english speaking CSR kept asking me the same stupid question over and over and over (does the phone work? No, I'm not kidding) I started singing Twinkle, twinkle little star because she would not listen, nor direct me to a supervisor. Finally she relented. He was not of any assistance either and was such a gutless wonder, he would not call me back to refuse me the refund. He instead had the original incomprehensible CSR Josie do it.

At some point, the government needs to step in to regulate agencies like Net10 that are predatory towards the financially challenged. I urge everyone that has had issue with them to contact your state's Attorney General and file a complaint. File one with the FCC. Bombard their corporate offices with emails ( and fight back. At one point in his myriad of conversations with them, they failed to put him on hold and laughed and joked about how he was going to get the runaround because he called the corporate offices to complain. Let's put these scam artists out of business.

Company: Net 10 / Tracfone / Topp Telecom
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9700 NW 112th Ave
Phone: 8008765753
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Net10 / Tracfone
Incompetent Customer No Service

There modern day thieves, stold minutes from an already active phone, said buy another card to straighten it out, then stoled even more!

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