ISoldit On EBay Store, Owners Tony James And Steve Cameron
IGotBurned from iSoldit on EBay Store

Electronics and household app.

The parent eBay company in California does NOT stand behind their franchisees and are ducking their responsibility. If a store goes out of business and bounces a check to you, you are on your own and you will not get paid. They sold my property and bounced a check to me and the store is out of business. I get no response from email and the phone is out of order. They knew they were going out of business - right after Christmas - because they dumped my impeccably cared for electronic musical gear and sold my new PalmTreo650 for $28.

If a store goes out of business, YOU HAVE NO RECOURSE. Sell your stuff yourself. Don't trust them. I have a signed contract and no recourse and my stuff is gone and I have no money from my property that was well taken care of and well maintained.

I can't believe eBay is not standing behind their franchisees. Their name is on it. Are you kidding me? That's like giving your teenager the keys to your car and after they hurt or maim someone in an accident, you shirk your responsibility. EBay is bad business that stinks.

Company: ISoldit On EBay Store, Owners Tony James And Steve Cameron
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4718 E. Cactus Road
Phone: 6024241965
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