Ripped Off My Church

Electronics and household app.

I am so embarrassed. I talked the people in my church into letting ME send their unused cell phones to ibuyphones.com to raise money for our building fund. First they said almost ever phone sent in was for recycling only. They said they would pay for 2 phones. $12.00 each. Not much I know but it belongs to God. You would think that they could pay the $24.00 that they owe. I warned them for the last 3 months that I would tell everyone how crooked and cheap they are. Vengence is mine sayeth the LORD. Sic em God.

Company: Ibuyphones.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fountain Valley
Address: 11225 Slater Ave
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I sent them 3 cell phones in a package they sent me in which 2 of the phones were like new and i have a picture with the phones and the package that i sent them in. I still have not recieved any pay f orange ca

Got my phones and never sent me my check or phones back

Non Payment

I send them my 6 or 7 phones they never send me checks or anything. They need to send me my check or my phones back. My husband is a police office he will take care of this we will take them to court!

What a rip off

Ibuyphones.com does not pay or answer E-Mails

IBUYPHONES, screwd me over fountian Valley

Will not pay me for the cell phones per our agreement

Have not paid for phones I sent to them. Claims they did not receive phones