Tiger Direct
Tigerdirect, TigerDirect, Inc. Caution-tiger direct is a rip-off!

Electronics and household app.

Be very cautious about buying anything from tiger direct!!!

I liked Tiger Direct until they defrauded me regarding a cell phone purchase. They sent me a defective NEC phone & forgot to include the charger; I had to call & ask for a charger to be sent. (European adapter-spoke to Juan Urapesa x5388).

When I got it, I discovered the phone's buttons didn't work properly. I asked them to replace it & sent it back as directed by Manny x 5409 RA#3360666. He advised me to keep the charger since it came under separate cover.

Many weeks later they sent it back to me w / the explanation that they would not replace it because I didn't send the charger & the phone had been in contact w / moisture. (You know, the little red dots on the battery or where ever inside the phone.)

Those dots were not red when I sent it back & I have photos to prove it; I barely used the phone. I checked it before I sent it back; the battery HAD NO RED DOTS.

Tiger Direct simply did NOT want to honor their warranty. How hard is it for the Tiger Direct person who checks out my return, to wet a finger & touch it to the red spot/moisture detectors? I will not buy from them again. Xxxxxxxx is more trust-worthy.

San Diego, California

Company: Tiger Direct
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Naperville
Address: 175 Ambassador Dr
Phone: 8008886111
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Tiger Direct
Tigerdirect.com, tigerdirect.com will not honor the warranty they clearly state with their refurbished product

Tiger Direct
RAM Rip-off

Soyo USA
Soyo / Tiger Direct Rebate Rip-off

Tiger Direct
Did not get rebate on monitor purchase, did not respond Miami Florida

Tiger Direct
Ripoff rebate soyo motherboard memory

Tiger Direct
Ripoff defective part, will not respond to e-mail or phone messages.internet

Globalinx, Tiger Direct
Globalinx Fraudulent Credit Card Charges through Tiger Direct recurring RIPOFF! Ripped off and scammed

Tiger Direct
Their company's logo should be Pinocchio's nose

Tiger Direct
Charged excessive shipping purchase

Tiger Direct
OnRebate Niko Didn't get $40 rebate. Basically false advertising, stole my money