Trade Electronics
Tradelee Stay Clear Of Trade Electronics and Karina Knausederova

Electronics and household app.

I am a retailer and was looking around the internet for an Electronics Wholesaler with decent prices to add to other wholesalers I currently work with. I found Trade Electronics and emailed them receiving a reply from Karina who was very personable on the phone and very helpful with information.

We went back and forward over about 3 or 4 emails in negotiations as I was unclear from her email quotes how prices were adding up etc and I had her price 3 different product packages.

I was ready to place an order and, thank goodness, decided to run a check on the internet for the company as I have been ripped off before trying to buy electronics from China. I came across the reports on this website on the dealings other people had with this company.

I emailed Karina a link to the listings on this website and asked for her clarification of the situation, explaining the experience I had gone through with China. I simply wanted to know if the situation had been rectified, why she had not rebutted the accusations on the site, was there a court case and could she assure me that Trade Electronics is a reputable company (we can all experience disgruntled customers who make false claims). I indicated I wanted to do business with her if she could give me a satisfactory explanation.

Her reply was "Trade electronics company does not have any court cases". Thats it.

I replied "You have not adequately addressed my last email and we will not do business with you until we are satisfied of your legitimacy. Please provide some information that would satisfy our concerns."

This is the reply I received, punctuation, spelling and capitalization intact:

dear mrs. Or misses? Novotny (or else)

I am so glad you appriciate our 5 hours work for you, yes???
I did responded quite clearly in english and you are the one who will be reported to idiotic as you are
for illegal activities, which you showed us as business competition attack and etc
is that clear english enough for you?
Enjoy free catalogs, but your account is closed, your ridiculous site does not met our resellers status, neither your unprofessionalism
respectful businesswomen in status would not register, hold goods, ask shipping quote, in details, receive free catalogs and after all that work slam global company off 14 years for idiotic internet link
you just a jealous stupid b*ch, nothing else, all you know is how to copy nintendo pictures on your site and insult global businesses

The asterix' in the second last line were supplied by me so as not to break the profanity requirements by this website. It is not profanity when applied to a female dog!

I have not responded to this email but here are the facts:

There was no 5 hours of work; no business competition - I am a retailer she is a wholesaler; 'free catalog' is unuseable as it does not in any way represent my business and I did not request it; I have a perfectly decent website where I already sell products supplied from other wholesalers; I did not ask for products to be held; I am not jealous - I was successful before speaking to Karina; the Nintendo pictures on my site were provided by my current wholesalers to represent their EXACT products.

This 'professional' woman is obviously desperate to resort to such a nasty email. All my emails to her were perfectly respectable and I gave her the opportunity to answer my concerns.

As of 8/1/08 Trade Electronics maintains an "F" rating with Better Business Bureau.

I am keeping copies of ALL the emails with regard to Trade Electronics and am putting the word out. There are so many disreputable people and these forums have helped me so much in sorting out the good from the bad.

Company: Trade Electronics
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 6538 Collins Ave #329
Phone: 8003193635
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Karina Knausederova
Trade Lee Electronics Beware of Karina Knausederova!

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Karina Knauseder
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