Dogg Digital Audio
2 men in a van with 7 overstocked speakers to sell for under $600.00 con artist ripoff Petaluma

Electronics and household app.

I have noticed that all these scams have been taking place in the past 2 weeks and am very amazed that we fell into it!

Like the rest, 2 young men came up to me in a van and offered to sell some very nice Dogg Digital Audio speakers (the new model 1500-sl) for only $600.00!!! Retail being $1999.99.

Of course, I would didn't beleive it at first and took it for a scam. Buy they showed me everything from paper work to shipment dates and how much overstock they had. Even signed papers and warranties and such. Everything!!!

There were 7 speakers in the van that were all overstock and they were selling them at CHEAP prices. I actually beleived them and bought a set for $600.00 for my home theater and then came across this site which made me look and feel a fool.

DO NOT BELEIVE THESE PEOPLE!!! The spekaers sound like crap! They are NOT the speakers they said they were being worth all that money! Liars! They are SCAM ARTISTS looking for a quick way to make money because they are scum who cannot live normal lives like the rest of us hard working people!

So even if it looks tempting and beleivable, its most likley too good to be true.


Petaluma, California

Company: Dogg Digital Audio
Country: USA
State: California
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