The Camera Wiz
Very Shady Company

Electronics and household app.

Beware of this company's very deceptive practices. They draw you in on a competitive price for a camera and follow up with a call pushing accesories very hard. If you are trusting and unaware of this company and its already horrid reputation you believe the salesman when he quotes you a drastic discount for a high end battery for the camera you purchased. They claimed a list price in excess of $200 which can actually be purchased for under $30 most anywhere, for a sensational deal of $119. They have no scrupples whatsoever and are extremely rude on the phone. Run away, run away fast from this seller!!!

Company: The Camera Wiz
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: 83 Ave. O
Phone: 8009576628
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The Camera Wiz, TechonDigital
Insisted that I buy an additional battery for an inflated price, sent wrong camera Brooklyn

Camera Addict
Deceitful Practices

Ripoff Mislead lied bating

47th Digital
Fraudulant Camera Sale

Bad service

Camera Giant
Bait and Switch

Techon Digital
Everyprice - The Camera Wiz High Pressure Rip Off Brooklyn New York

Need4Digital/Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
Bait and Switch

Express Cameras
Advertised web prices are 100% fake. They will charge you more then advertised

Express Camera
Fraudulent Web Advertising Ripoff