Digital Dogg Audio
Professional ripoff artistist anaheim

Electronics and household app.

I fell for the professional job these guys did in getting me to buy their product. Just like the rest of the testimony's I was approached by two guys in a van. They gave me a good story about a cancelled order and that their boss told them to sell the speakers for profit. They said they worked at the company for 13years, they had identification for Tri-star productions and their names were Jerry and Scott.

They had catalogs and price sheets. They even wrote me a receipt and provided a help call line which is at Tri-star Productions. They have a good game and know what they are doing. They drive in a blue Chevy Van and the license plate is a California and is 4UXS3000. So is your a cop and can track these guys down please let me know.

san diego, California

Company: Digital Dogg Audio
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
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DOGG/Digital Audio ripoff
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Paul Mark (if that is even his real name)
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Digital Audio
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Dogg Digital Audio
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