Sprit Pcs
Will not send out my refund deposit thats rightfully mine nationwide germantown

Electronics and household app.

In 2007 of 02 i had went into the radioshack store to purchase a sprint cell phone. As i went into the store the sales man ran a credit check sad to say i had to put down a large deposit down becuase i needed a cell phone for me and my mother in order for me to get there service i had to put down a 1000.00 dollar deposit.in other words 500.00 for each line, so i did becuase i needed a cell fone at that time with all the traveling i did ect.

Wel within 2weeks i happen to call the customer service number to check the how many mins iv used already come to find out the rep told me that i wasnt even on the plan that i had choosen, well ok that error was resolved but i was still charged for something i didnt choose. So the following week passed i recieve a tex message saying my service will be terminated to make a payment becuase i was alomst over my spending limit... So within that week i had called the customer service rep to cancle my service becuase i wasnt pleased with it only (three) weeks of having sprint i canceled the service.

I have been calling from 2007 till now 2008 about my refund deposit and every time i call the customer service rep tell me they are filling a case number and i should be recieving my refund back within three business days... Well when i call and check the status of it they come up with another excuse such as you have to wait till your bill is finalized... Ok its been a year now... Now the last time i called in i was told the dumest thing i had to go into the store where i got the service at and get a recipt showing that i had put down the 1000.00 dollar deposit and that i had cancled within them days. I had return the cell phone the next day of the three weeks, i even called them to cancle the service so why do i have to prove something that they already no. Sprint no that i had service with them.

I feel this way they dont mind sending you out a bill when it comes time to pay it or when you owe the company something they will cut your service off in a heartbeat, but when it comes to sending something out thats rightfully yours it seems they have every excuse in the world... Sad to say there customer care can be the unorganizes people in the world they lie, they will put you on hold and then hang up on you on purpose,,

I will honestly say sprint use to be the best in my eyes but they have really changed and i will say to anyone thats reading this not becuase i im entitled to my refunde deposit but consider another service other than spint...

Last but not least i have a problem with any phone service that cut your phone off if you go over the spending limit... And sprit is the only one that do that. And yes it may fit for some indivisuals that may have a problem from going over mins or getting an outrageous bill... But when you or anyone have a cell phone thats a responsibily that an indivisual should have. Meaning if you cant manage your min or how many downloads your do or the talk time you stay on your fone sad to say but that indivisual dont need a cell phone..

Its been times that i was on the highway driving in the middle of an important call and my service was cut off. Many of times and people that i know that had that same problem while using there phone, the point is it wasnt that i couldnt pay the bill it was just it was the wrong time the time when i needed my cell phone the most.

So my complaint is sprint isnt a honest company. Im aware that all companies have there disadvantages but sprint will get over you people matter of fact that 1000.00 dollars. Yes i would have loved my money back but ill say this much if that thousand dollars mean that much to them i would rather them keep it becuase the hell i went threw it wasnt worth it. Money comes and goes and i believe when people are done wrong and not right i believe the time will come when every bad thing must come to an end,, sprint if you reading this you will have your day of being brought down

germantown, Maryland

Company: Sprit Pcs
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Germantown
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