86th Photo & Video
Deceivers and Liars

Electronics and household app.

I wish I would have found this site earlier, it would have saved me a lot of headache and time. Just like many of the other posters here, I was lured in by the low prices and well put together site (I would call it profesional, but there is nothing profesional about 86th Photo & Video (P&V) except their ability to steal).

Just before Christmas I was looking for a camera (Sony DSC-T200) which was an amazing $260 at the afore mentioned company which was $140 below the price at Best Buy where I had already purchased it, but was looking for a better deal.

I called the company and asked if the camera was in stock, but they said due to the great price and time of year, they were sold out, but were expecting a shipment in two to three weeks. My wife is very thrifty and I figured she would appreciate the deal. I wrapped the Best Buy camera and gave it to her for Christmas and after she opened it, I told her she had the option of keeoing that one, or waiting for the camera I had ordered. She decided to wait.

After two to three weeks, about mid January, I called 86th P&V to get an update on where the order stood. I gave the operator my order number and after looking up my order, I was told the shipment hadn't came in yet, but they were expecting it soon. About an hour later I received an email stating that the order was backordered five to six weeks from the date of the email. That puts me getting the camera sometime in March.

If this was a Nintendo Wii or Tickle Me Elmo just after release, I would understand and be forgiving of short supplies, but this camera is available everywhere and there doesn't seem to be a short supply in other, reputable, stores.

I checked the 86 P&V website a week later, out of curiosity, to see if the website showed the camera in stock and it did. So I called the company and told the operator I was interested in the camera and wanted to know if it was in stock. The operator (Robert, I had to ask for a name) stated that they indeed did have the camera in stock. I asked how many and he stated they had two. I then asked why my order was back-ordered another five to six weeks. He asked what color I ordered and I told him silver (should have asked him what colors were in stock or initially asked about colors) and he repLIED that they only had the red cameras in stock. I told him that red would be fine since it was for my wife.

Now here is where it gets fun. Robert next starts in with the, "You know the camera doesn't come with a battery or charger, right?" (I had prepped for this (after reading complaints about the company) by calling Sony prior to this call and verifying they do not offer a package without the charger and battery and in fact the camera comes with a bunch of accessories.) I then asked him if they were selling open box cameras. Robert repLIED that all of their cameras were brand new in the box straight from Sony. I then informed him of my conversation with Sony and after a few choice words from Robert, he hung up on me.

I have canceled my order and notified my credit card company. I didn't think it was legal to conduct business this way, but apparently this company is able to get away with it. I will never shop this site again and will warn all I can about their shoddy sales tactics and lies. I understand trying to make a buck and upsale accessories, but lying straight faced to the customer in order to defraud them is unconscionable.

Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

Company: 86th Photo & Video
Country: USA
Phone: 8008152040
Site: 86photovideo.com
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