DOGG Digital Audio
Ripoff Sold me speaks for $200 and they are BAD artist fake ripoff

Electronics and household app.

It is much like the report that you must have read already. So I am copying the old report and midifyin it in my own way:

I was in my car on the 6th Ave and they were in the next car facing my window, they approached me and ask me if I wanted professional speakers (I was in need of them) i halted on the side theyshowed me a PO of their company that they were delivering from New Hampshire to NY company and that thye received 6 sets of speakers from the wearhose instead of 4 so thay wanted to make some money off by selling the other twi and go to 'titty bar' thay even made me call they company in NH Eli.

Radio I called and I chked on the price of the system, It matched as what they had to say. I got convinced and bought $2000 speakers for $300 I thought is was a good deal and when I came home and tested them they sounded like CROW. Guys the speakers are made very well and the manual and the detailing on them is phnominal! But it was a BIG RIPOFF!!! Take care.

When I get the number that I called from my cell phone on my next bill I will call them back and I will not stay stupid till I do something about it! I mean it. I will not rest till I hunt them Down... I am goignt o email tham today and you have no Idea as to how many more I am going to send them till I get some answers!!!

New York, New York

Company: DOGG Digital Audio
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Address: 3419 VIA LIDO, SUITE 249, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663
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