Blue Hippo Computers
I want everyone to know that they are the same company as Fianancing Alternatives Internet

Electronics and household app.

Blue Hippo is the same company as Financing Alternatives, Inc. They advertise on the radio stations and the use to advertise on the tv. I have not seen them on tv in awhile, but only on raido.

Long Branch, New Jersey

Company: Blue Hippo Computers
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Blue Hippo Computers
Fraud and cheating!

Blue Hippo

Financing Alternatives - Blue Hippo
Financing Alternatives And I Think They Are Called Blue Hippo Too. Lied all the way around no computer after 7 payments and no computer after all payments has been paid in full and the time gets longer and longer when ill get the computer. Ripoff

Blue Hippo
BlueHippo Funding LLC and BlueHippo Capital LLC Blue Hippo in Bankruptcy

Blue Hippo / Financing Alternatives
Blue Hippo computer financing rip off scam-almost paid in full and now no computer and they can't seem to find my account info

Blue Hippo
Rip off

International Teachers
Rip-off! Incompetent personnel is very rude accusing me of not paying my bill when I had. They threatened me

Waffle House
Abusive to employee's, consistent register shortages and high food cost on all three shifts. Management never on time for work!

National Moving Network/Classic International, Inc
The Classic Moving Rip-off Scam Fraud - National Moving Network - Classic International, Inc. Need to be put in Jail

Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo never gave me the laptop I paid for