Columbia DVD Club
Send DVD's after they are declined, and after membership cancellation

Electronics and household app.

When I hadn't ordered enough in their allotted time frame, they simply charged me for two CDs against my credit card. They were in their rights to hold me to their commitment, but it took me 4 months to get the two CDs paid for by this charge. After that, they regularly sent DVDs that I had PROMPTLY declined either online or by mail. Of course I marked them return to sender, and sent them back, but in the meantime, my credit card was charged, and I assume I was paying interest on the false balances. Some time ago, I asked them to cancel my account completely, since I had now more than satisfied the requirements they had stated as needed in order to get the initial "free" CDs. Guess what? Another unordered CD showed up today, and a charge has been posted on my CC account. So, I did what I should have done long ago... I called the credit card company, and put the amount in dispute. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get them to REALLY stop???

Company: Columbia DVD Club
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
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Columbia House DVD Club
Ripoff BIG TIME, takes money out of your bank WITHOUT OKAY FROM YOU! Terre Haute Indiana

Columbia House DVD Club
I found out that Columbia house was listed on my credit report and I had never heard of them I have been ripped off. You can't get contact information without joining a which time they will rip you of columbia house dvd club anybody can spoof

Columbia House Video Club, Columbia House TV On DVD Club
Loves taking your money, even when you didn't order anything!

Columbia House DVD Club
Billed My Credit Card repeatedly... Crooks

Columbia House DVD Club
Dogs get better treatment!

Sincerely Silver
Ripoff I called and cancelled membership, I was told they would, after 3 months, they are still charging my credit card. I have now contacted my credit card to stop paying them. Columbia, South Carolina

Doubelday Book Club
Sent me books I did not order, charged my credit card, and then was told I had to wait to receive the books, send them back and then wait for my credit on my bank account. I never ordered the books

Columbia House DVD Club
Unauthorized Charges Appeared A Year After Membership Cancellation

Columbia House
Ripoff deception fraud business Haute

Columbia House HSN Video Library
Columbia House - TV Scam, one-time purchase went beserk, numerous charges on my account ripoff