Paul, Audiofile
Paul ripoff Audiofile speakers rip-off scam liars ripoff swindler eugene

Electronics and household app.

Three dudes pull up next to me in mall parking lot in big silver SUV, Lincoln Navigator I think. Asking if I want some speakers and proceed with BS story about how the company messed up and sent too many to their boss and they have to deliver the right amount, so they have to get rid of some of them or the boss will just take them home.

They showed fancy pricing brochures that showed the speakers retailing for $1250. I stupidly baught them for next to nothing expecting them to be genuine and be able to sell them.

Eugene, South Dakota

Company: Paul, Audiofile
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Eugene
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Audiofile speakers
Audiofile 583 speakers rip-off! Chris and Josh said, "Hey you want some free speakers?"

Audiofile speakers
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Audiofile (Broken) Speakers
Audiofile is a ripoff fraud scam, they sell broken speakers., USA

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Audiofile 583LR
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Ripoff, Audiofile, frank, van, white, dishonest, scam, speakers, SUV, home theatre


Scam Audiofile speakers, same story, same two guys, they lied to me

Sound F/x. christ And Danny Celling
Ripoff selling audiofile 853lr speaker from grey lincoln navigator

Rip off scam con artists