DOGG Digital Audio
Is a Speaker ripoff, they operate out of van in parking lot. Nationwide

Electronics and household app.

As I was entering Clark's Market in Waldport, OR today a guy in a van with no front plates yells, "Hey! You want to buy some stereo speakers for your home?" I said no, but then I asked what they were, as I suspected this was the DOGG scam I recently read about here.

He jumps out of his van with a worn looking catalog looking page, I put on my glasses and sure enough it reads "DOGG Digital Audio Speakers..." and immediately called him on the scam. He got sooooo pissed off he turned red and started swearing at me and pointed to an older white full size van and said "He just bought a pair!" I'm sure that white van was part of the scam because it looked like both vans were filled to the brim with boxes of speakers.

I said, "You DOGG people ripped off my neighbor when he was in Idaho about two weeks ago! I looked up your DOGG brand for him on the internet and found HUNDREDS of 1st hand reports of getting scammed and ripped off by you people!" That REALLY pissed him off and I though he was gonna try and kick my a$, yelling things at me like "You're F-ed up! You don't know $hit!" He tried to claim he was "from around here" but I knew that was total crap - I've lived here for over 11 years and I have seen everyone who lives around here many times - this is a small community here.

I went into the store and told one of the checkers about it but by the time we went to look out the window to point out the vans they had already scampered off like the vermin they are! I went home and called the police dispatch line and told them the story, the cops are going to keep a lookout for them. I hope they get busted! With any luck when the cops catch up with them they'll catch them with stolen goods and throw em in jail! At the very least they can get busted for selling goods without a business license. Keep your fingers crossed, people! There *is* justice in this world but you gotta work at it sometimes.

Waldport, Oregon

Company: DOGG Digital Audio
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Waldport
Address: Unknown, selling out of van
  <     >  


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Dogged in Dogg Digital Audio Speakers ripoff

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Digital Audio DOGG ripoff speakers, guys move in trucks and sell making stupid excuses

Dogg Digital Speakers
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Speakers minivan wisc plates help553 scam

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DOGG Digital Speakers
DOGG Digital Speaker Rip Off

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