Tiger Direct-On Rebate
Scammers ripoff

Electronics and household app.

These people operate out of a typical Florida "Boiler Room" atmosphere from a Suite in Miami, Florida. I carefully documented a rebate in Dec. Of 2005 requesting a promotional $58 rebate for a Motherboard/Processor bundle.

The process was extremely over-complicated. After nearly three month's I found no Customer Service number was available to call, so I began writing to both Tiger Direct and On Rebate, getting useless, or computer generated replies, and bombarded constantly with new ad's.

I sent copies of my order that included the rebate offer. After 6 month's I totally gave up, which is exactly what they want. Once you cut out the UPC code all refund's are voided, and merchandise cannot be returned. So if whatever it is doesn't work, you're not only out the rebate (which they conveniently lose) But possibly your total amount paid. I now buy my electronic supplies from reputable on-line businesses that, if possible, don't offer rebate's, and still have decent prices.

Company: Tiger Direct-On Rebate
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 7795 West Flagler St
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Tiger Direct, Onrebate.com
Rebate ripoff

Tiger Direct
Rebate Ripoff Internet

Tiger Direct
Ripoff about rebate. After advertising rebates, Tiger Direct says that is not responsible of it

Rebate ripoff scam

Onrebate.com - Tiger Direct
Onrebate.com from Tiger Direct rip-off! Fraud! Dishonest!

Tiger Direct
Rebate scam on Ultra Memory, offered rebate, did not receive, would not help

Tiger Direct - On-Rebate.com
Tiger Direct Company is comitting rebate fraud with On-Rebate.com

Tiger Direct
Beware the rebate rip-off

Onrebate.com - Tiger Direct
Rebate ripoff Internet

Tiger Direct