Circuit City
Circuit City ripoff dishonest rebate prices

Electronics and household app.

On December 14th I purchased 2 DXG 305 Digital camcorders for my children. The price tag under the display model showed a 55.00 mail in rebate! When I purchased the camcorders I received 6 rebate forms. 3 for each camcorder... 2 of the forms were for 20.00 and 1 was for 15.00, for a total of 55.00.

When I got home I called the store to verify that the forms I received were the correct forms, and the gentlman I spoke to said yes they were! So I mailed the forms sometime later that month. Well here we are in April and I have not received my rebate nor have I received any explanation.

So today April 14th I called the rebate center to find out what's going on only to be told it wasn't a 55.00 rebate, only 20.00! Then I called the store to verify the original price and the Gentleman said he remembered the 55.00 rebate but had to confirm it. When he got back on the phone he totally changed his story saying it was a 30.00 rebate! Now I'm confused! The rebate center says 20.00, and the store says 30.00, what happened to the 55.00? The one with the Tag below the Camcorder??? Can someone help me here? Never again will I shop at Circuit City!!!

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Wyomissing
Address: 1101 Woodland Rd
Phone: 6103766650
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