Ripoff REBATE CELL PHONE Denver, Colorado

Electronics and household app.

To whom it may concern:

I've purchased 2 T-Mobile phone RAZR on 1-16-06. My order # 352-384-348 through Inphonic on line. The promotion was 50 dollars each rebate from T-Mobile and $150 dollars each from Inphonic. The total of $400.00 rebate from both T-Mobile & Inphonic (Promotion date 01-10-06 through 01-17-06. First, when we were placed the order, Inphonic representatives said "now with the new promotion, I only paid $300 dollars in advance, still get $50 each from T-Mobile and 100 each from Inphonic. Sound pretty good, isn't it? I still get my money back after the rebate regardless of 400 or 300 when sign up. I did ask him, do I get my 300 dollars back after rebate even though the promotion was changed. ABSOLUTELY, he said "you will get your money back"

I was WRONG... Wrong big time. When they said the forms, I only saw two forms of $50.00 each rebate from T-Mobile. OK, let's call Inphonic and request the forms from them for $100.00 dollars each. I've called 3 times, each waiting period from 10- 20 minutes, what they did was playing the phone tag, passing me around and around from one to another and finally, we got the representative on the phone. HIS answer was "wait for couple months to validate that I've not cancel the contract before they can send me the forms". It was third week of Jan 06.

Last week, 05-11-06, I called again. After went through all the process of verifications, checking out the status, the guy simple does not know what he was doing. He was told me that I was not able to get my rebate because the promotion was on 01-10-06 and my order was 01-16-06. I was angry and request the full investigate about this rebate.

A day later, I receive an email from them request me to send them my documents regarding the promotions about the rebate. I've sent them all the documents that they had requested and the ANSWER is the same. The promotion was expired when I placed the order although their representative stated that this promotion was going on for about a month and stated that I will get my money back on the date I purchased my cell phone.

I was not give up. I called them 3 more times and request to review it again. I was denied again.

I was wonder if there is the law or any kind of regulations to go after this company. They surely are SCAM ARTIST. They don't live up to their promise and I'm sure I'm one of thousands of thousands victims who fall for the same reasons. Their rebate is so good to be truth.

If someone can go after this company, I will be the first in line to sue them until I get my justice back. The money is not worthy, however, the SCAM that they put me through just make me so angry to let it go. You can also email me at my address.

One of many victims.

Lam &
Reply from Inphonic Inc
Dear Lam &,

Based upon the attached documents, we are unable to honor your rebate
form request for the following reasons: - The web offer attached to this
notification reflects the phone price as $399.99 (for two phones). You
were only charged $299.99. - The web offer attached to this
notification was a 1/10/06 promotion.

Your order was placed on 1/16/06. Should you need further assistance,
please feel free to contact us.

Financial Operations Department

Company: Inphonic
Country: USA
Phone: 8668004303
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Rebate RIP-OFF Internet

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Missing Cell Phone Rebate ripoff, Inphonic finds all the excuses in the book not to send the rebate Washington District of Columbia