Worldcom Wirless Inc
MCI Worldcom Wireless sucks

Electronics and household app.

I had my WorldCom Wirless Phone for one year. As agreed to in my contract. I called to have it shut off they said no problem. They gave me a verifing number in case of a problem. Well that was 8 months ago and I am still getting bills from them I have called and talked to so many people that just keep asuring me that it is just a billing problem. I have to say I did pay my last bill. Now when you call the number on the old bills (because they no longer put their phone number on the bills any more) they say that they are to busy so you must press numbers. But they do not have a number for me to press so I can tell them they suck at the business their in. I have tried to contact them through their web site. But that doesn't seem to work either. So I found this web site. And now it is all becoming so clear to me. That they do indead SUCK!!! But at least I know I'm No longer alone.


Company: Worldcom Wirless Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: PO box 5211
Phone: 18002548991
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Worldcom wirless
MCI Worldcom Wireless is a ripoff. Rude & incompetent service

Worldcom Wireless
Mci run run run!

WorldCom Wireless aka MCi
Even MCi WorldCom employess have difficulties with WorldCom Wireless

Worldcom Wireless
Worldcom ripoff wireless-billing

Worldcom Wirless, Inc
Worldcom wireless ripoff

Worldcom Wireless, Inc
Mci worldcom wireless ripoff, this is ridiculous

WorldCom & Worldcom Wireless unscrupulous, infuriating, and a RIPOFF - never have anything to do with them

Worldcom Wireless (MCI Telecommunications Corp
MCI Worldcom Wireless ripoff fraudulent business, NY

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Worldcom MCI Cell Phone Rip-Off: Worldcom opens account, Customer can't close it

Worldcom Wireless
RIPOFF ripoff business from hell screwed others too tricked and lied to us GARDEN CITY, NEW JERSEY