MCI Worldcom Wireless
Ripoff worst service eve

Electronics and household app.

I spent an hour on the phone talking to MCI customer service. I was sent to collections by them over a year ago and finally paid the entire $1600 balance a few months ago. I have four documents stating i have paid the account, including a signed statement from the collection agency i was sent to. I was directed to their account services department where i was rudely called a liar and told that i must pay the account. When i offered up the proof that i had already paid it, the guy told me that he didn't know what i was talking about. After being on hold with customer service for over an hour i was given yet another number to call. This matter still has not been resolved and my credit report still says I owe MCI over $1500.

Pullman, WA

Company: MCI Worldcom Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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