Samsung America Inc
Samsung made a huge mistake! - Galaxy Note II

Electronics and household app.

Samsung refuses to repair their own device by claiming a wrong diagnosis.

Please DONT buy Samsung Galaxy phones. I say please, because you will get hurt a lot at the end. Not 100 or 200 dollars, you will loose 500 up to 700 dollars.

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note II. I paid for 695 and used it only a few months. No, I am not a rich, I am just a victim of Samsung.

One day, the screen went black and I sent it to Samsung repair service under its warranty. After 3 days Samsung wrote an email as my phone shipped back to me as BER meaning Beyond Economical Repair. I made a search online for BER and found out that they have sent to phone back without repairing the device, claiming that there is water corrosion on the motherboard.

I called Samsung and Louise listened my concern and advised me to speak to Executive Customer Relations to solve the problem.

Please make a search online for Samsung BER means, and you will face 100s of complains with the same issue. Their phone have never been exposed to water but Samsung claimed the problem as BER and had sent back their phone without repair. Those phones are not all Samsung Galaxy phones, what I understand, most Samsung phones get corrupted by so called water damage.

My Galaxy note II has never been exposed to water. It was never even been near water. So, does Samsung misstates about water damage in order not to repair expensive phones like Galaxy Note II. Probably YES. Since there are a lot of negative reviews about the same issue, there has to be some reality about those misdiagnosises.

I called Samsung again and I was one of the lucky customers who could reach Samsung Executive Customer Relations. After being transferred to Joe then to Phillip and then to Chrystal who is a supervisor in advanced technical service, she got convinced to transfer me to Kevin who is the Executive Customer Relations supervisor.

You will see when you read those reviews online, some of those victims were able to replace their phone somehow after speaking to Executive customer relations but you may not be that lucky person to get your phone replaced by Samsung. I was not either. Kevin insisted that my phone had been corrupted by water, I explained him several time that my phone has never been near water anytime, it was not even exposed to rain since it doesn%u2019t rain a lot in California. My phone have been stayed in its leather pouch all time being I had this phone, plus I am very careful and literate not to speak with any phone under rain.

Many of the Samsung phone competitors including Apple and LG, of which I have used before, they are resistant up to some degree to slight rain and humidity.

Kevin claimed that humidity might corrupt my phone by time since he had nothing else to say. Imagine you buy a 700 dollars Samsung phone and you can not even use it in Texas or in Seattle because of humidity. Even 5 years old children can lough to that but it is the reality: Samsung says humidity can corrupt your Samsung phone by time and you will need to throw your 700 dollars to trash.

I will have my phone without repairs Tomorrow. I am sure the phone has never been near water and there was not any kind of water visible stain on or in the monitor. First thing, I will do, I have a friend who is experienced in Samsung phone repairs and I will ask his opinion if there is any trace of water on the circuits. Most probably he will supply an official report to me indicating there is no water stains on the circuits. So then, you will decide by yourself if Samsung is misstating about their diagnosis or if any kind of humidity causes liquid corruption in the motherboard of Samsung mobile both cases Samsung phones are not worth to buy whether Samsung misdiagnoses when it gets broken or it easily gets corrupted by humidity.

As a conclusion rational people WON%u2019T invest 100s of dollars for Samsung phones after knowing this reality.

Company: Samsung America Inc
Country: USA
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