Hoosier E-Cig Supply
Hoosier E-Cig does NOT live up to their mission statement. Poor customer service and VERY RUDE!

Electronics and household app.

I am fairly new to using e-cigs with cartomizers, tanks, and refillable liquids. At the suggestion of one of my friends, I decided to give it all a try and order from Hoosier E-Cig supply.

My first order was a KGO "Pass Through" Vision clearomizer Kit, consisting of a 1pc. 1100mAh KGO "Pass Through" Battery, a charger and a 2.1-2.4ohm Genuine Vision EGO Clearomizer with long wicks and a charger. The clearomizer did not work at all.

I then ordered a 6mL dual coil cartomizer tank to replace the bad clearomizer. This tank not only produced a burnt taste, but it also leaked badly, right from the start.

*Sidebar* Recently, a friend of mine purchased the exact same clearomizer from my first order. His also did not work. Another friend of mine used to use the 6mL dual coil carto I described above. His worked, but he did not order it from Hoosier.

Both of my orders had been placed in November. Recently, I placed a new order because the battery started falling apart.in addition, the charger broke. Both items were less than 2 months old.

Upon placing my most recent (and final) order, I decided to leave a comment in the appropriate "comment" section. I have a copy of the exchange, which I've posted below.

Before going any further, I want to preface the below comments by saying I was not looking for any kind of refund or collateral. For whatever reason, I failed to try and return the bad products within the 30 day return period, and the battery/charger busted long after that period. I simply wanted to make Hoosier aware that their products weren't working for me, and to also inform them that I was unsatisfied thus far. My "Order Comments" read as followed:

Just wanted to inform that my first purchase with Hoosier was a kit with this battery/charger, along with a clearomizer. The battery and charger both broke in less than 2 months. The clearomizer did not work at all. I then ordered a tank to replace it, and the tank was also broke. I don't mean to be rude, but I just wanted to let Hoosier know that if there appears to be anything wrong at all with this current order then this will be my last purchase from Hoosier.

My order arrived within a few days, and in their own handwriting, they wrote:

"We would have replaced any of this within 30 days (like the clearomizers) If you feel you need to go somewhere else that's fine, do what you need to do."

Now, I am fully aware that it was my own fault for not returning any of these products, and based on my reading/research I have discovered that many other E-Cig users will get malfunctioning equipment, but I feel like after every purchase made turns out bad, I have a right as a consumer to inform them something is wrong with their methods.

The whole point of this complaint, however, is that their response was without a doubt, one of the rudest replies I have ever received. I'm actually a very nice guy, and I often forgive and forget way more than I ever complain, but this response had me floored! I'm getting angry again, just re-reading it!

Part of their mission statement under the "About Us" section reads "We take great pride in our company, and our commitment to providing quality hardware and customer service, " but what I read on my recent shipping statement says to me that they don't give a lick about their customers.

Despite this, however, I will take their advice and "do what I need to do, " especially since they are only one of many other e-cig suppliers in the market.

In conclusion, my advice to other consumers is to try other vendors. You may have better luck with Hoosier than I, but I have also noticed similar complaints from people about their product, and to be honest, I don't really care if they did have the best product on the market. I'll go back to smoking cigarettes before I ever give my business to a company that treats me so rudely. Shame on you!

Company: Hoosier E-Cig Supply
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Greensburg
Address: 500 W. Main St. STE B
Phone: 8125601206
Site: hoosierecig.com
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