Payment Systems Corp
Rip Of Company do not use!

Electronics and household app.

Payment Systems Corp. Bad company. Thay came into our office and sold us on there product. Huh, what a scam. We followed all procedures and with the agreemnet that ther product would with our quick books point of sale. They signed and agreed only if ther product worked would we accept. It doesn't work and ther breaching there contract even in writing. They are calling and herassing us for payment or they will put judgement against our property we worked so hard to build and payoff the building. Now they tellk us we must fullfill the contract. Huh, They didn't fullfill there agreement. This is a mafia company. Radicals that steal from the average hard working american. They should be put out of business.

Mrs. J

Company: Payment Systems Corp
Country: USA
Phone: 18888355306
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Payment Systems Corp
Global Leasing = Deceptive, Scams

Merchant Processing Solutions dba Payment Systems
Payment Systems Corp. Like inviting a vampire into your home

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Encore Payment Systems - Momemtum Payment Systems - Prodigy Payment Systems in violation of state law? They will not pay me my final paycheck!

Payment Systems Corp. Lies Lies Lies

Payment Systems Corp
Lease Finance Group Over Charge and out right fraud

Payment systems corp
LFG, Global Legal Resources Payment Systems Corp, scam, fraud, DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM

Centurion Payment Systems Corp -
Centurion Payment Systems Corp And Sportsbook ARE BOTH FRAUDS BOUNCED 1640.00 dollar Check, Account goes negative, COMPANY DOES NOT CARE

Centurion Payment Systems Corp
Ripped off by Centurion Payment Systems Corp. Check containing winnings BOUNCED!

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Don't Get Ripped Off By Meriac Capital First American Payment Systems Like I Did!

Secure Payment Systems
Fly by night liars and scam artists