HDI Homeworks
Dealpass.com Unethical practices in conjunction with Domestications orde

Education & Science

Consumers beware,

When you order from Domestications, you are asked if you're interested in a $10 rebate at the end. If you say yes, you have been automatically entered into a membership that charges $9.95 a month a will appear on your credit card as "HDI Homeworks".

It takes your credit card information off of your Domestications order... I cannot believe this isn't against Domestications privacy policy.

I called HDI, thinking I just needed to clear up a mistaken membership, but they were not sympathetic. They would only credit me for one month (6 had passed before I noticed... To them that is "proof" that I wanted the account even though their own records show that I never looked at their website and did not use the rebate.)

If this were an ethical company concerned with good business practices, they would return money for an unused account. The "contract" is flimsy; I asked for a copy of the transaction in which I supposedly signed up and they said "it's your email address." How can my email address—which is published in several business directories—be a contract?

But they have no interest in ethical practices. And if you ask to speak to someone higher than a manager (like, you know, a dispute representative like other companies have), they say "we have told you our policy; I'm going to disconnect in order to help other customers." In other words, screw you.

I am, of course, livid. I have contacted the FTC (www.ftc. Gov) and the better business bureau (www.bbb.org) and beg others to do the same so that these frauds won't get away with such flimsy and unethical business practices.

Company: HDI Homeworks
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road
Phone: 8888089933
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They sold my credit card number!

Hdi*connections Domestications
Domestications.com is a thief & they steel

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HDI Connections - Domestications
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Unauthorized charges to card

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Ripoff unauthorized credit card charges, sold during Domestications purchase

Simple Escapes
Ripoff never recieved info. Charged credit card 96.00, don't trust DOMESTICATIONS

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Memberworks - Simple Escapes - Connections - Homeworks, Domestications - The Company Store - Improvements ripoff Vigilante Selling Fraud, La Crosse, Roanoke, Hanover, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Virginia