Salter School Malden MA
The salter School in Malden MA

Education & Science

When i started the salter school in malden ma. I was bullied being harrased for no apparent reason. I brought it to the teachers attention yes they took action but it continued threw out the months i was there. Also teachers have they're favorites. Staff members would come and go like theres no tomorrow. I remember being in clinical i touch a students arm not physically the student hit me physically and i got in trouble because i touched her first really! Mind you where in a hands on class. Not only did i get in trouble i got put on probation for it, another scene while having a meeting for student council i remember being sick another student asked me was i okay maybe i should get some meds.

She also ask what kind of symptoms i was having and i explained while explaning one student approaches me and says in a rude way can u stop talking about what you're experiencing because she was eating i said okay i wont. To make a long story short the school is just drama. One more thing i'm Bipolar and i wrote a paper on it what was that for! I never ever heard the end of it. I was getting teased about my disease. Even a teacher came up to me and asked me was i taking my medication.

Who is she to ask me a question that's non of her concerned why because i look moody or i approached her in a wrong way or is she having a bad day. Confused yes i am. Today i was drop from school because i had a student that was my friend at the time texting me about other students in class. I totally ignored her until today. I took her to the side and asked her why are you mad at me she screams at me made a big show for nothing. Maybe if i wouldn't have approached her i would still be in school... My clinical teacher said i hit her the girl defends me and says no she didn't hit me and the teacher was so quickly to say i did and apologize.

Also the clinical teacher told us that we needed all our vaccines in order to go out in the field (extership) she explains if you got the first vaccine the hep. Shot and you didn't get the other withing a month you would have to start the procedure all over again untrue i was told by my p.C.P. That the procedure changed so now im clueless does the school know what they're talking about! Out of curiousity and for other students i called the school and spoke to a staff member she says the samething my pcp said, another thing you have teachers swearing when they're not having a good day also you have student's printing out naked pictures of men and showing the teachers,

Teachers are laughing about it like it some kind of joke are we learning about sex education or clinical then i find out today 09/27 that police officers were in the building searching threw everyones bags for a gun they targetted at one student first because i'm guessing she was talking to me early in the A.M. Like if i were to have a gun i'm a mother of three children why would i or anyone else on the premises chance such a thing or even carry a gun unless they're some looney running around the building that we don't know of again

I'm clueless is the school loosing control or are they're protocols aren't updated, having supposingly a crank caller or whomever made that call to search student's bag's the student stated she felt malden police invaded her privacy and maybe the other 50 or more students that attend there, i had no idea what happen after i left, until that one student called me all i could say to her unbeleviable if that's the case put up some metal detectors. The school is under renovation because when we was hit with a rain storm the school was flooded. Everyone that got they're including myself got sent home..

Why couldn't they call us ahead of time and let us know what was happening we have ppl coming from farout places skaking my head. The next day with the school smelling like mold. We were still there why couldn't the school send us home knowing that ppl like me and others have asthma. The smell was so bad many students went home. I do not reccomend this schoool to nobody!!! Its a very discriminating school. Do your research before thinking about going to the the salter school so disorganized. "waste of my money" or one more thing do not i repeat do not let them fool you because we have a new campus director trust me nothing will change once he knows how the school works he'll be leaving too. I suggest for you to invest in books because you will wait forever to get yours.

Company: Salter School Malden MA
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Malden
Address: 2 Florence st
Phone: 7813245454
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