Specialty Communications
Camron Dunlap's Cash Buyer Data Feed Changed payment policy without notice

Education & Science

I had been a member for nearly a year, paying $49.95 every month for access to the Cash Buyer's Data Feed. I am finally ready to use the service. I go onto the website to perform a search. When I try to download the results, a video pops up that tells me that I must prepay for 12 months before I can download the search results. What??? I've been paying for this service for nearly a year and now that I want to actually download something, I have to pay another $320? Rip Off!!!

Company: Specialty Communications
Country: USA
Address: 8805 Route 415
Phone: 6079362200
Site: camerondirect.com
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Media feed
Offered to download video file for $4.95 TRIAL MEMBERSHIP but did not have file to download

Quamm Media Access
Consumer Report

NITRO Download - Media Feed
Nitro Download Download Scam $4.95

Imusicaccess.com, MYDOWNLOADSITE
Website promises download of songs No download possible Fake Not possible to contact anyone Deceitful Credit card overcharged Fraudulent

Media Feed
Nitro Downloads Scam - Bait and Switch

MediaFeed aka Nitro Downloads
Saturn Technologies, Inc. Bait & Switch before you can cancel the payment

Mediafeed me, gigabyte download, nitro downloads, etc. Scam involving false advertising and misrepresentation of product

Media feed
They charge me $79.95 for a $4.95 download programma wich I couldn't download internet

Expertload Defrauded, Lied, False Statements

Media Feed
Primus Media Feed & Primus billing scam Belize