Assignment Paradise
Assignment Assistance Scam

Education & Science

June 11th Assignment Paradise requested $300 to assist me with an assignment. I paid them the requested amount but on the agreed delivery date (June 14thy 2012) I received nothing. Upon complaining about this I was sent a zip file that could not be opened, and was told the sender had "stepped out of the Office for 45 minutes". Days later and after repeated multiple complaints I still received nothing.

Eventually Assignment Paradise's "Lara Smith promised to "approve" a refund of my US $300 to be processed 17th July. I never received this refund. On 22nd July I contacted Assignment Paradise's Support group concerning this. I received a copy of an email sent from "Cherry Mae C., SWREG" to "Lara Smith" with a copy to myself requesting Lara Smith respond to me concerning my promised refund.

To date I have received no further response and no refund. I am forced to conclude I have been scammed for US $300 and that I may never succeed in recovering my lost cash. At this time I would strongly warn others to avoid this website and group to avoid being scammed as I have been.

Company: Assignment Paradise
Country: USA
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