MWI Connections

Education & Science

Hi, I would like to file a major complaint with mwi homeworks and mwi connection. Mwi got into my sons account at college and started taking money out. It was 8.95 for homeworks and then 9.95 for connections a month. I can check with bank to see when they started taking all this out, but I beleive its been going on since dec 03, I will check it out. But anyways we started noticing it when my son left college and left alittle money and his account. Well his account must of bounced 3- 4 times owing almost 200.00 to 300.00 in bounced account. I wish sommeone could stop this. And I also feel that mwi should pay us all his money back plus bouncing of his account. They are the ones that kept it bouncing. Please do something about this / they are hurting alot of people with their scam. My son is struggling enough with his bills, the ripoffs should pay him back. Plus each time his account bounced please stop mwi connections Thank you! Very concerned citizen

Company: MWI Connections
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road Omaha Nebraska68114
Phone: 8005682386
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Homeworks Connections - MWI - Homeworks - MWI Connections
Homeworks Connections, MWI Homeworks, MWI Connections ripoff! They're taking away my SSI funds

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Mwi connections - mwi homeworks - knowx ripoff

Mwi Homeworks Plus - Mwi Connections
Credit card holders BEWARE! Ripoff

Ap9*connections - Ap9*homeworks
Ripoff My checking acount was charged twice $14.95 and I did not authorize them to do this and never received anything from these companies. New York New York

Ap 9* Connections
$249.95 stolen from my account 0n 12/31/07


Mwi Connections
Mwi Homeworks Plus dishonestly billing me not only once but twice ONLINE

MWI Homeworks & MWI Connections
Ripoff July and August they ripped off my bank debit card for $37.95 Hartford

MWI Essentials - Homeworks - Connections
Illegally ripped off monthly

MWI Connections
Ripoff scam con artists