Creative Memories
Ripoff Dishonest, fraudulent activity by Creative Memories, Illegal activity Don't let CM bully you into giving up your rights

Education & Science

Creative Memories has declared War on anyone who has the audacity to re-sell their items on secondary or tertiary markets such as eBay. Creative Memories moves in quickly and attempts all kinds of intimidation tactics, including form letters that state "Creative Memories will be entitled to recover...$5000 as liquidated damages without having to prove actual harm". These not so veiled threats probably work on most individuals who fear this company and their kennel of legal beagles.

This company is ripe for several counter-suits for harassment. Creative Memories makes judgments with no proof what-so-ever, they harass innocent individuals through e-mails and the Postal Service.

The bottom line that Creative Memories needs to realize is this: We operate in a Capitalist Economy, there is this great concept in the USA called Free Enterprise. Once Creative Memories has sold their product and got their money, it's none of their damn business what the consumer does with the merchandise, whether he re-sells it or uses it as toilet paper. They may keep their consultants on a short leash, but they are powerless to make demands to private individuals who have no connection, obligation or commitment to their company.

Don't let Creative Memories bully you into giving up your rights. Teach them the lesson they need to learn and buy exclusively from the secondary markets.

Company: Creative Memories
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Saint Cloud
Address: 3001 Clearwater Road
Phone: 8002276748
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