Governor John Kasich
Cuyahoga Community College allow huge reverse racism where white students are insulted daily in classes (threatened with '

Education & Science

Governor Kasich has been criticized for not hiring enough blacks, or giving enough advantages to black & diversity students, hirings, etc. And the one black woman who answers the (614) 466-3555 line in his office will regularly hang up on a white voice - slam dunk crash - with an angry voice which I'm sure isn't used for a black caller.

Things are however at the point of overdoing it for bad behaviors & EOE, so badly that Cleveland's Cuyahoga Community College in the NE Ohio area - Cuyahoga Community College - known as Tri-C - will tolerate any form of diversity expression in classes even to the point of outright insults & derogatory comments about white students in the class.

EOE expression goes the distance of being explicitly parental discretion material for the non-sensitive hearing only. Class comments in black talk, or slang, are also tolerated - with the black instructors talking down to white students in a black lingo - and behaving like in The Help - which was the 1960s. Faculty review committees accept any lie told by a black instructor - no matter the incredulity of it - and going along with injurying white students by inappropriate practical testing tasks. Question is what is needed before the bullying gets worse - a jaw fracture, a rape?

President Jerry Sue Thorton will threaten any white student who writes an email about the reverse racism that she will take them to court for 'telecommunication harassment' - so black & diversity students spend huge amounts of class time calling out the non-diversity students and threatening 'b*tch-slap' or worse. All instructors & professors tolerate the abuse of class time without comment. It's all at public monies, state supported harassments and excuses for pushing the blacks ahead regardless of merit, studying, or abilities - they have to be employed no matter the danger or no matter what they do to someone to get through.

President Jerry Sue will punish any documentation of anything going on as email is a record - she wants you to call with the problems and then no one does anything but place the white student on repeated probations for prejudice - that you don't like the black attitudes, insults, & comments in class - because it's scary for one.

And the Cleveland Municipal Court system is all black judges - out for their own despite fractures occurring to the white students trying to get through Tri-C classes. Stress fractures occur first and are just thought to be exaggerations by the faculty - especially Surgical Technology's Beth Stokes and Dean Karen Miller - they encourage the white student having to move heavy furniture for 'testing' as just class jokes - when the OR bed is over 300 lbs and the black instructor has repeated put-down the white student to the point of it being obvious to anyone in the hearing vicinity? That the black instructor has a problem with the white girl is a no-brainer - but it won't get better. It's payback for something.

The Cleveland Municipal Court Judges go along with the injuries to white students - that they were just prejudiced and asked for mistreatment by not liking the Tri-C Cleveland atmosphere - that they need probation so that they don't write emails begging for help and are put in their 'white' place. Outright racial bullying of white students is tolerated, encouraged, and condoned - rewarded as part of equal opportunity - the getting ahead even with physical injury to another white student is ok is the lesson taught - by Tri-C, the Governor's Office & the Cleveland Municipal Court System = beat up the white girl = it's ok and you will not get punished.

Talking to the Administration at Tri-C does nothing - they have the power, the money and President Jerry Sue is black - as is the other CCC President - totally reverse racism & appointments - only black. Nothing is ever done about it but to place the white student on probation multiple times for prejudice - academic probation for bringing the problem up. The Governor is encouraging getting the blacks & diversity students through whatever the price, whatever the fracture to the white student - who then can't finish the course and the grades are curved.

The daily harassment of derogatory comments to be heard by the whole class interferes with classes, is done during testing, & for finals the reviews of the white students are cancelled for 'parties' of the black instructors - already overweight they have to have special parties. Black students are brought in on special days for reviews & extra help - only for diversity students.

Given the mandate by Governor Kasich to retrain and educate, no stone is left unturned, and blacks, etc. Are allowed free expression in all classes to the point of disrupting the class and threats to do whatever if a white student answers a question. Black instructors are allowed to heavily 'cheat' on especially 'practical' testing where they insist on being in the room alone with the student, doing the black 'nag' to distract, and giving white students inappropriate tasks like repeated moving of heavy furniture (which a black student is not asked to do) during a lab practical not requiring that task.

Anything that a black instructor does to a white student is accepted - even telling that student that she doesn't deserve to ask a question or make a comment until the black instructor says that she can - sitting in the back of class is required = back of the bus for payback. It's totally reverse racism at Cuyahoga Community College - to the point of injuring white students with inappropriate tasks and comments made in gest over prolonged periods of time - emotional & physical injury.

Monies should not be given to educational institutions that are favoring blacks & diversity students to the point of fracturing injuries to the white students for wrong testing tasks and repeated verbal insults for all to hear in vicinity - after awhile you get clumsy with the headache and just don't care to object.

This is currently going on at Tri-C, and objecting only gets the white students dragged into Cleveland Municipal Court for writing the email about the 'bitch-slap' going on, the phone threats, and the daily put-downs for being white and interested in an education - which the diversity students aren't - just a paycheck or not even that - just to demonstrate the black supremacy and how they can get away with things in Ohio under Governor Kasich.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, 30th Floor Riffe Center
Phone: 6144663555
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