University of the Rockies
I am a minority, disable, Vietnam Veteran, and my gpa is 2.92 but they dismissed me for failing a couse 3x

Education & Science

I am a disabled, half Hispanic, a Vietnam Veteran who was trying to show my disabled sons that you can still get a degree no matter how old you are. I wanted to combind my two other degrees and thought that I have a AS in Administration to Justice, College of the Siskiyous in Weed, CA, a BA in psychology from Ashford University in Iowa the sister University of the Rockies. When I saw that this university had a program called Criminal and Justice Service Psychology I took this chance. I knew that I was good with law enforcement stuff but did not know I was a 4.0 gpa kind. I have learning disablities a written expression and reading disability, am Bi-Polor, OCD, have no gums so no teeth so sound like I am drunk or something like that, lumbar and sholders regular arthrisis and I have macular degeneration to boot. I owe UoR about $35,000.00. I have not had a job in over 8 years as I needed to get my sons the help they needed for school as they have Autisum Spectren disorder and so does their father. I have been dealing with their help needs so I use that time for them. I kept asking they why they could not allow me a waver for their course ORG 5400 aka Statistics and Psychometrics which is allowaable under the Americans with Disabliities Act 1990. I have asked them time and time again if they were a scam and of course they would say no. Even as I was taking many of their couses I felt as if something was wrong but could not put my finger on what it was. I took that class 3 times and even with 3 failures my gpa was 2.92

Company: University of the Rockies
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 555 Pike Peek Blvd Colorado Springs Co
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University of the Rockies
Colorado School of Professional Psychology exorbitant cost, exploitation of ethnic minority students, misleading advisors, misrepresentation of degree value

University Of Phoenix Online
Harsh treatment for blinded Student

University of the Rockies
Not accredited as promised

American Public University
American Military University Rip offs, Cheats, Unsympithetic, Greedy, Money hungry, Thiefs

UOP/Axia/Western International University/WIU Online
Fraud/lies just to get your money, Taking advantage of lower/middle class single parents of disabled children

Northcentral University
Ncu if you like yourself stay away from northcentral university ph. D program

University of the Rockies
The Institution for Student Failure, Depletion of Financial Aid, and Lies Belford university, Breyer State university, bronte internation university, concordia college, ellington, redding university, rochville university, ashwood university, suffield university

Liberty University
A Religious Distant Learning Rip Off University

Florida Metropolitan University
The amount of the student loan is fraudelant and a violation of usery laws