Barry University

Education & Science

I attended Barry University at the Palm Beach Gardens and Miami Shores campuses in Florida from 2010. My private email accounts and internet browser were hacked by one of the first professors I took a class from, Mr. John Mendez. Apparently, he made it a point to read all of my papers, etc. To use them to reflect back to me in an apparent attempt to rape and brainwash me. Other professors helped him and he told a bunch of falsehoods about me from letters written by Cliff Dean to the Department of Children and Families which were a pack of lies to begin with. Mendez should not even had access to these letters (that's a whole illegal issue on the part of DCF). Only Mendez thought they were true and tried to use them against me to rape me on the floor of the Powers building. He knew what I purchased and my habits via illegal methods and it is in my view that either the school does not know the extent of his wrongdoings or they have to back him up to cover up his fraudulent activities. When he couldn't get me on the floor, he had Perry Borman, DCF employee, call me to harass me to have sex and suggested that Mendez would attack another student by the name of Stacey Howe, a Negro (possibly a male prostitute) with two children from multiple sex partners. She has a criminal background and it is in my estimation that Mendez takes women who he thinks have shady backgrounds and tries to use that to get free sex. She was a former prostitute but said she did it for her kids but she has histrionic personality disorder and needs the attention and was not able to get a simple office job because of it. She also got fired at DCF so it is very fishy she gets hired at an offshoot of a place that fired her. She got a job with United for Families after having forced sex with him at a workshop after his last attempt to get me to have sex with him failed. Do not attend barry university's school of social work as you may get raped by john mendez. Let's just put it this way, I had to flee to California to get away from this psychotic man. I had to contact the priest at his kids school to tell him to get some help. He contacted the fitness guy Billy Blanks to tell me he was going to have sex with the Negro Howe. This is an insane man that needs to be stopped. Go to fau!

Company: Barry University
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Shores
Phone: 3058993675
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Barry University

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