Ripoff, payment held by hrs until after due date in order to collect interest and penalties. PO Box 17602

Education & Science

Furniture bought from Jordan's Furniture on a 12-month eniterest free plan. This purchase was given to HRS where payments would be mailed to. Each payment was recorded within 3 days after the check was written and mailed. The last payment was held by them for 14 days in order for them to tack on interest and late fees. They said they would reduce it in half if I agreed, which I did not because I was right and they were the scammers. They said they would charge me the full amount in penalties. My credit is excellent and I do not want them ruining it. Jordan's Furniture could not help me when I went to the Nashua, NH store. I now have a $219.79 balance with HRS, when it should read "0" balance. Thanking you in adavance.

Company: Hrs
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: PO Box 703
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