
Education & Science

This company is driving me out of my mind. I am trying to get a hold of anyone inside the norvergence corporate office but you can sit on hold for like 2 hours and no one answers the phone. All extensions inside the company that I was given go right into voice mail and are NEVER returned. I am in the middle of integration and I am doing everything I can to stop/cancel Norvergence's ability to take over my lines.

If anyone has ANY information on the name of the law firm that is putting together the class action PLEASE make it public somewhere online. THe fact that many of us have signed personal guarantees on these stupid little "matrix" boxes is absurd and I believe that as a whole have legitimate claims to break each and every one of our leases. I for one can assure you that the contract that I have with Norvergence is null and void because of the overwhelming amount of FRAUD that has transpired in our short relationship. Everything from install dates to reimbursements to promises of 5 cell phones and not a damn thing has happened.

I see a lot of people sharing outrage on this site about norvergence, but I am kind of perplexed because I called the New Jersey office of consumer affairs today and they told me that so far ONLY 8 reports have been filed against norvergence.

If you have been swindled the way we have, you need to make your case known to Reni Erdos, Director New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs

As well I think each of our roles are two-fold from here on out:

1. Do everything we can to get the word out on norvergence and its illegitimate business practices. We need to make sure every small and mid-sized business owner (friend or foe) knows firsthand the damage this company can reap.

2. Band together to make sure that the appropriate legal and municipal authorities know the scam norvergence is running.

Company: Norvergence
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Newark
Address: 550 Broad Street
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RIpoff Fraud

Preferred Capital - Norvergence
Preferred Capital Ripoff - Went with Norvergence selling expensive equipment through them


Popular Leasing - Norvergence
Ripoff norvergence and popular leasing never getting service and matrix box working and having leasing company bill me new jersey new jersey

I am a customer of this scam ripoff dishonest fraudulent company

Ripoff deceptive leasing tactics with US Banccorp, scam on Matrix box leases

Norvergence & Pioneer Leasing
Deceptive practice

Ripoff another Norvergence victim looking for answers

NorVergence - Tom Salzano
NorVergence, Inc. Ripoff&maybe starting ANOTHER business&lets stop this NOW!

Rip-off! Promised but never delivered