Integretel - Personal Voice
Integretel Inc., Personal Voice Inc. Ripoff! Dishonest fraudulent billing!

Education & Science

Back in Febuary 2003 my daughter was conned into buying this Personal Voice Mail through Verizon with a $9.95 a month fee (or $9'95 per single use of this "sevice" I still don't know the exact amount they've gotten from me). I didn't notice it on my Verizon statement until just this month, May. That's over a year of payments for a service I didn't know I had and have never used.

If I hadn't gone over my bill with a "fine toothed comb" I probably would not have noticed it. I have contect Verzon, they sent me a form to fill out and hopefully I will get reimburst. I/we should not have to go through this in the first place and in my opinion Verizon, Integretel Inc, and Personal Voice Inc. Are all out to mislead, espectially when their not doing busineess with the "Head of the Household" Aren't their rates high enough that they have to mislead us??

Company: Integretel - Personal Voice
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 3665 East Bat Drive Suite 204-215, Largo. FL 33771
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Integretel, Inc
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