Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
A registered trademark of American Psychological Association the (APA) Corrupted homosexually biased APA increases hate attacks through rigged homosexual walk study

Education & Science

Staring is impolite yet the USAm public has been given new permission 2 stare @ others & furthermore watching people's asses & hips as they walk w / an attempt 2 diagnose people with previously known as sexual deviance #1.1st of all homosexuals r only 1.7% of the population yet this study rigged the outcome by using a 50% homosexual population 2 begin w/. Since the publishing of this study I a heterosexual female have been verbally assaulted 4 being a homosexual three times due 2 the way I walk. This dangerous study obviously conducted n the interest of justifying homosexuality as something other than a sexual deviance has given power 2 more homosexual biased attacks, accusations & misjudgments about fellow human beings by setting people up as homosexual scapegoats based on how they walk & appear in general. This study is directly responsible 4 further alienating people from 1 another & directly responsible 4 escalating homosexual biased hate activity n the lives of people who walk a certain way. My life has been negatively affected by this dangerously rigged study. The last time I was called homosexual because of the way I walked was by a group of teenage boys standing across the street from my mother's home as I left alone 2 head 2 a nearby bus stop. The time before that by a blond white female food coop employee after noticing heterosexual flags worn on the front of my t-shirt & around my neck about which she made a heterophobic remark continued staring @ me, watched me walk for several seconds, then blurted out, "That girl's not straight." 1st of all I'm a grown woman almost 40 not a 'girl' & yes I am a practicing heterosexual.

Homosexuality can not be diagnosed through physical features & characteristics or outside of sound scientific patient assessment by a licensed & practicing psychologists through sound methodology. This study has taken away people's right 2 speak 4 themselves & on a personal & sensitive issue such as a persons sexual behavior & preferences. The insulting practice of staring & people watching especially 4 signs of what was once listed as a sexual deviance is totally destructive. This reckless study was rigged 2 begin w / & has caused the country 2 explode n new hate crimes based on the way we walk.

Company: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Country: USA
Address: 750 First Street, NE
Phone: 8003742721
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US Veteran Affairs Mental Health
Jennifer Buras, LCSW, Dr. Doucette, Dr. Costales Jennifer Buras, LCSW used "gaydar" 2 diagnose my sexual orientation n therapy

NHE Certification study guide
Not legitimate NHE study guide

Novum Pharmaceuticals
A very misleading waste of my time

New Orleans Food Coop
NOFC "That girl's not straight!" says blond white female employee about stronger black female shoppe

NHE Certification
NHE Certification Study TextBook Fakes

Dicks Sporting Goods
No survey

Suarez International / Gabriel Suarez
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Marquis Downtown Houston (Courtesy Officer)
Marquee lofts downtown - courtesy officer the courtesy officer made sexual advances toward my 12 year old son and the complex did not fire him and stole my security deposit

Dicks Sporting Goods
Can't access the study

Mormon church
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