Direct Cards

Education & Science

It's not what thay say you pay for a scam you have to post flyers with you address to rip others off to make you mony.

Company: Direct Cards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 8770 Sunset Drive #528
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Direct Cards
Ripoff I was supposed to be stuffing envelopes, not posting flyers for jobs!

Direct Cards, Inc
Direct Cards ripoff Work at Home Scams Thank YOu complaint

Direct Cards
Misrepresented the offer 1st flyer said nothing about having to leave home to post flyers

Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff, Processing Mail At Home, Sounds to good to be true because it is

Direct Cards
Taking Advantage of Single moms Work at Home Scam

Direct Cards
I got a response from direct cards when i sent them money Ripoff Work at Home Scams

Direct Cards
Ripoff Miami

Direct Cards
Ripoff! Work at home scam

Cards Direct
Ripoff robbery and shame to free market enterpriseWork at Home Scam

Direct Cards
Rip-off! They ripped me off for $46!